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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
Geosciences Node Data
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Lunar Spectroscopy Data

This data set consists of reflectance spectra of small lunar areas measured in 120 spectral channels from 0.62 to 2.6 micrometers using the McCord circular-variable-filter (CVF) near-infrared photometer. The data were acquired using the 2.2 m telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The data were provided by the Keck/NASA Reflectance Experiment Laboratory (RELAB) at Brown University and archived by the PDS Geosciences Node.


Archive Contents

Root Directory - Start here for access to the entire volume. 

AAREADME.HTM - Introduction to the lunar spectrophotometry archive. Read this first. This HTML file is described by the label AAREADME.LBL; a plain text version is in AAREADME.TXT.

INDEX Directory

  • INDXINFO.TXT - Tells what's in this directory.
  • INDEX.HTM - A list of all data files in the archive, with location, feature, and data quality information, ordered by feature name. Use this file to browse the data. 
  • INDEX.TAB - Same information as INDEX.HTM, in an ASCII (i.e. plain text) table suitable for loading into a spreadsheet. This file and INDEX.HTM are described by the label INDEX.LBL.

DATA Directories - These directories contain the spectroscopy data files in the form of ASCII tables with detached PDS labels, grouped into seven subdirectories. For example, subdirectory H8XXXX contains files with names between H80001.TAB and H89999.TAB.


DOCUMENT Directory

  • DOCINFO.TXT - Tells what's in this directory.
  • PIETER00.PDF - Description of this data set (LPSC XXXI Abstract #2059). This PDF file is described by the label PIETER00.LBL.
  • PIETER99.PDF - Discussion of spectral calibration of lunar data. This PDF file is described by the label PIETER99.LBL.
  • CALIB.HTM - Description of calibration applied to this data set. This HTML file is described by the label CALIB.LBL; a plain text version is in CALIB.TXT.
  • CLEMSPEC.GIF - Figure comparing telescopic spectrum with Clementine spectra for the same area. This GIF image is described by the label CLEMSPEC.LBL.

CATALOG Directory

  • CATINFO.TXT - Tells what's in this directory. All these files are ASCII text files.
  • DATASET.CAT - Data set description.
  • INST.CAT - Instrument description.
  • INSTHOST.CAT - Instrument host (observatory) description.
  • PERSON.CAT - Personnel associated with this archive volume.
  • REF.CAT - References mentioned in the above catalog files.

CALIB Directory

  • CALINFO.TXT - Tells what's in this directory.
  • JBADHR.TAB - Original Adams directional hemispheric Apollo 16 62231 data used to calibrate the telescopic data. This ASCII table is described by the label JBADHR.LBL.
  • JBADHRWC.TAB - Adams directional hemispheric Apollo 16 62231 wavelength corrected data.  This ASCII table is described by the label JBADHRWC.LBL.
  • RELABBDR.TAB - Bi-directional reflectance data for Apollo 16 62231, used for Clementine calibrations. This ASCII table is described by the label RELABBDR.LBL.
  • CORRBDR.TAB - Correction factors used to correct the 120 channel lunar data to bi-directional reflectance. This ASCII table is described by the label CORRBDR.LBL.


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