Mars Global Surveyor:
Radio Science Data Products
June 18, 2007. New volumes
MORS_1037 and MORS_1038 are posted. These volumes
complete the collection of MGS reduced radio science
This archive contains results from
radio occultation and gravity investigations carried out
by members of the MGS Radio Science Team.
Click on the links to view files and
directories in the data set. To download the entire data
set or parts of it with FTP, use this URL:
Radio Science Archive Volumes
In the table below, click on the
volume ID to get to the volume's top-level directory,
from which you may access all the files. For an
introduction to the volume, read the AAREADME file in
the top-level directory. To find the location of a
specific data product, look in the
Cumulative Index on the latest volume.
Data Set Producer
The person most responsible for the
construction and release of this data set is Dick
Simpson, Experiment Engineer for the Mars Global
Surveyor Radio Science Team and Radio Science Advisor to
the PDS. This archive was prepared under standards of
the PDS. Please direct any questions and comments to the
PDS Geosciences Node,
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